About us.

Experts in complex care, domiciliary care, supported living, treatment of disease, disorder or injury.

How we help you.

Harlon Healthcare is an independent healthcare provider. Our goal is to become the biggest care provider in the UK through the use of technology and artificial intelligence.  Our aim is to promote best quality patient centered care that is easily and readily accessible, meets the needs of the patient, delivered compassionately in a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment.

Our Ethos 

“To respect and encourage the right of independence of all our service users”

We offer skilled care to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being and to achieve desired outcomes. We treat all people supported by us and all people who work here with respect at all times. We have vowed to uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who work and visit here and of all Service Users. We recognise the individual uniqueness of Service Users, staff and visitors, and treat them with dignity and respect at all times. 

Compassion is at the heart of our care.
We lead with dignity and respect.

Above all, we respect individual requirement for privacy at all times and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner. Harlon Healthcare Limited recognises the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programs of meaningful activity to satisfy the need of Service Users and staff.

Our Ethos 

“To help people live independent and dignified lives within the comfort of their own homes ”

Our Vision.

To be a leading provider of high quality, compassionate personalised healthcare services integrated with modern technological advancement for the local community.

Our Mission.

To provide integrated healthcare services for all age groups, gender & diverse groups by working compassionately with our clients, individuals or families, while safely delivering high quality, prompt, robust & holistic care with altruistic approach.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

Advisory & Support

Our trainings are unique in the industry. We make sure our staff and carers are fully trained and equipped with the knowledge and practical skills to enable them to provide our services with confidence to all our service users.


A a fundamental part of our success is our fully qualified team, they have extensive skills, knowledge & experience in best practice.


To provide the highest quality of care, providing care that is consistent, compassionate, and inspires the confidence of our users.


Outstanding, compassionate carers, who make our clients happy & have the skills, confidence, and values to deliver the very best care.